How Big Is Israel?

Some people don't realize how small Israel really is.

It is only about 200 miles (322 kilometers) long and about 50 miles (80 kilometers) wide.

 It's possible to drive all over Israel in a day. In your drive you would see deserts, snow peaked mountains, fertile farm land, lush river valleys, beautiful beaches, rivers, and waterfalls. But most of all you'd see the land of the Bible. 

Everywhere you turn you see something that you've read about in the Bible! Places that were once only ink on pages now comes alive before your eyes!

Back to the size of Israel Here's a comparison to other places in the world. 

In the United States, Israel is a bit smaller than the state of New Jeresy.

In Canada, Israel is the size of Vancouver Island.

In the United Kingdom, Israel is the size of Wales.

In South Africa, Israel is the size of Kruger National Park.

In Australia,Israel is 1/3 of Tazmania.

In New Zealand, Israel is the size of the region of Canterbury. 

And in Japan, Israel is the size of the island of Shikoku.

I hope that helps you picture the actual size of this important nation.

Via Alfjulie Saunders

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