Computer's Don't Lie (Gospel Message)

 Computer's Don't Lie

Ah! This marvelous computer age. Businesses as well as individuals around the world rely on the indisputable accuracy of these electronic machines and are confident that the readout will always be right. Some people actually believe that computers don't lie. But james harris, a young chicago man, is not one of them.

While waiting in the police station trying to arrange bond for some intoxicated relatives, james felt himself being scrutinized by police officers. The next thing he knew, he was hearing the officers tell him that he fit the description of a wanted burglar. In spite of the young man's protests, fed his age, physical description and other pertinent information the huge police computer. "Yes," reported the big machine, “james is your man."

Three frustrating days later, the innocent but very angry james harris was allowed to leave the prison. Oops! His fingerprints had finally been checked, and they proved that he was not the guilty man after all. The computer had made a mistake!

At just about the same time in another part of the city, a small time thiet had a sudden change of heart and decided to turn himself in. After the police had listened to his story, they fed the man's description into the police computer. “Sorry," returned the machine readout you're a computer reject. There is nothing on you; you cannot be guilty."

In spite of the fact that the; man confessed, he was free to walk out of the station and back into society. Why? 

Because computers don't lie!

Whether an electronic device shows that people are guilty or not guilty, the bible still clearly says, "all have sinned, and come short of the glory!of god" (Rom.3:23). It reports, and accurately so, “there is none righteous, no, not one" (Rom.3:10).

Man is a guilty being; no matter how big or how small his sin 

may seem to be. 

James 2:10 puts it this way: "whosoever shall offend in one point, he is guilty of all.

” Everyone is guilty, not because of the readout of a man-made machine, but because everyone

 has been born in sin.

But God -who alone knows the heart-has made a way in which we can be forgiven, just as though we had never sinned or been found guilty.

That way is through Jesus Christ, God's son, who was not guilty-in jaci, who was totally innocent of any wrongdoing. The tables turned when he, who was sinless, took the punishment for our sin, setting us free. And now God forgiveness.

People or computers may judge us righteous. But God, who cannot lie (never has and never will), says we are guilty unless we accept Jesus

Christ's punishment for our sin, and permit Him f to come in and change our hearts and life-style

Make sure you've had that done.

By Ruth Johnson 

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